Archive for October, 2013

Day three, maaaaan let me tell you. Today I hated all the things. And I mean all-of-everything. Which is funny, because the first time I did this plan– I didn’t have a care in the world. Looking back I think I know why.

As I mentioned before, I started the Whole 30 immediately after quitting smoking, it was all by design. I was so distracted by working out and eating clean I didn’t have time to hate all of the things. But this time all I can think about is all of the things I hate. Supposedly this passes after day 5 or 6.

I also realized that weening (sp?) myself off of sugar is worse than quitting smoking. BY FAR. All I want is something sweet. And today-because I hate all of the things, I want something sweet AND a glass of wine. (Did I mention my wife made cookies for a work party? yeah…ALL of ev-er-y-thing!)

Regardless of how I feel emotionally, physically I feel strong. Stronger than ever actually. My workouts have been tremendously better. My endurance has seen marked improvement, just in the few days that I have been doing this. Granted my diet before beginning the Whole 30 wasn’t much different-but tweaking my breakfast has made a noticeable impact.

I am hoping that this phase passes quickly. Here’s to day four!Image

If you can’t tell I’m the monkey in the middle. I have the lowest score…more on that later!

W30, day one recap

Posted: October 29, 2013 in Uncategorized

Yesterday wasn’t terrible. In fact, I felt great.

I ate a hearty breakfast of two hardboiled eggs, chicken sausage and half of an avocado. For mid morning snack, I had some nuts and then some sunflower seed butter with a red bell pepper.

I attend crossfit at lunch most days– today was no exception. I felt super strong. I think it’s time to move up in weight. And that is a great feeling, especially when starting a food plan known to be challenging for most people!

After CF, I had lunch half of a chicken breast, a metric ton of veggies (both roasted and fresh) and water of course.

For midday snack I had an apple. A biggun.

Then I had more chicken and veggies for dinner. And some coconut milk  with berries.

I got a solid 7 hours of sleep and woke up feeling spectacular. (a little hungry, but spectacular, none the less).

Day two is going well so far. Still no fruit before lunch! Yay for meeting small goals!

Whole 30 Part Deux

Posted: October 28, 2013 in Uncategorized



So, I am starting The Whole 30 again.
(If you are curious, here’s a good explanation

Meg and I did The Whole 30 last year and I personally felt great during and after. I don’t think she liked doing it as much as I did–but I love meat and fat and nuts and veggies as the basis for my meals. Those things don’t appeal to her as much as they do to me.

We did it last year as sort of a food reset, kind of like a cleanse and it was more for Meg than for me. I took it as a challenge but she was having some stomach issues and wanted to find out if it was diet related (we both thought she might have had a gluten sensitivity). As it turns out, I am the one with a gluten sensitivity. Talk about a plan backfiring!!! There went beer!
I have since learned how to avoid gluten (read: found good gf beer) AND how to decide if something is really, really worth it (like the bread in Europe, for example).

I suspect this round of the Whole 30 will be markedly different in many ways. Number one, I am going it alone. While Meg is amazingly supportive, this isn’t her idea of a good time. So, I am braving the majority of the plan alone-skies. Which, come to think of it, really is fine. I kind of dig a good challenge, it really is gratifying to know I did this thing (which if you’ve never done it can be daunting) on my own. Number two, last year when we started the Whole 30, I had JUST, and I mean JUST quit smoking. I have been nicotine free for over a year now–so I won’t be battling that devil. Number three, I want to really work on my sugar addiction, so I am cutting out fruit in the morning. No fruit until after lunch. I think that’s going to be the hardest part. My goal is to strategically reduce my fruit intake throughout this process.

I predict having two issues throughout the next thirty days. I can’t chew gum—because of the faux sugar and because of the weird stuff it does to metabolism and whatnot. Aaaand weekends… weekends are going to be the hardest for me. That’s when I typically lose all of my good commonsense and pig out. It will require a lot of forethought and good planning.