Posts Tagged ‘Paleo’

I made a terrrrible mistake. Believe me when I say it was awful. I got up in the middle of the night and ate (GASP) a bowl of cereal …wait there’s more…..

with dairy milk.

I know, I know…I am so close to being done. Four days in fact.  I was hungry–past hungry and I gave in. To being hungry, tired and frustrated. Believe me I paid for it. (Still am, actually)

Being tired, hungry and frustrated aren’t excuses for my behavior. But they are facts. And I can’t ignore them.  What I can do is explore how I got to that point.

For one it was the middle of the night and I was restless, for some reason I couldn’t sleep. I literally tossed and turned for three hours, thinking about how hungry I was. I think I was so restless because I have taken so much time away from exercise. That was my body’s way of saying-“I’m over this laziness, put me back to work!” Here I was thinking I was doing the right thing for my body, by taking some downtime to rest an injured part…I think instead I need to find a workaround.

So why was I hungry…It starts with piss poor planning. So far that has been the biggest theme to my whole 30. My inability to plan meals for myself. Honestly that’s something my wife does. And she’s good (REALLY GOOD) at it. Since she’s not doing this with me, she hasn’t really been planning [my] meals. She’s helped, but this has been my thing. And I have learned that I have a lot to learn. I don’t really know what I am doing and well, at the root of it all–I am lazy. As I have said before–routine is comfortable, but routine gets boring. The Whole 30 and Paleo, in general, is not something one should do with a mentality bent towards routine. Anyway, why was I was hungry-simply stated, I didn’t plan well enough and therefore didn’t eat enough for dinner. it was late when I got home and was too lazy to make something plan approved, so I went to bed thinking I’d be ok. Ergo-routine and laziness got the better of me.

Annnnnd frustration. Well it was three in the morning. I was frustrated. I’m not sure I have much more to say here.

So where did I land this morning? I still don’t have a gameplan for meals today so I thought about throwing in the towel. Seriously.

But, I’m still at it. I’m going to finish this. And I’ll have learned some very valuable lessons along the way. And I going to go buy the well fed2.  At the end of the day Paleo works for me. I honestly feel better eating this way. I just have to figure out how to work with Paleo. Being busy is no excuse. And I need to get my butt back to the box.


It’s day five y’all.

And my sugar addiction is still going strong. I didn’t have any break down moments like yesterday. But I didn’t feel as strong as I did the first couple of days.

After work I went by the grocery store and picked up some provisions for dinner tonight and lunch for the next two days.

I’ll bet you are wondering what’s on the menu…

I made paleo sloppy joes with cauli-mash and fresh spinach.

I started with some ground turkey and I mixed it with ketchup that I made myself.

The ketchup’s base was plain tomato paste and blended whole tomatoes (from a can). I added red wine vinegar, garlic powder, onion powder, course salt, smoked paprika, nutmeg and cinnamon. All to taste of course.It was tasty, filling and a change from the past four days. All in all, I’d call that a win!

Oh, I also had a coconut milkshake with strawberries and a banana. It was a nice treat and a good way to end the week.

